Saturday, March 23, 2013

#LahadDatu: Mantap! Vateran UMNO Balun Bekas Ketua MNLF!!

Umno Veterans today chided former Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) leader Nur Misuari for allegedly tarnishing Malaysia's image globally in the issue of Lahad Datu and the Sulu Sultan, Jamalul Kiram's claim on Sabah.

Umno Veteran Club secretary Datuk Mustapha Yaakub said Nur Misuari's alleged action would not help dissolve the issue or efforts taken by the governments of Malaysia and the Philippines to diffuse the situation.

"Nur Misuari's statement that Malaysia was 'ruling' Sabah and Sarawak islike adding fuel to fire. He should follow the policy of the MNLF which prefers the issue to be resolved amicably to avoid more bloodshed.

"Though he knew the history of Malaysia and had received much help and advise from Malaysia when he was leading the MNLF, has issued such a statement to tarnish the image of Malaysia internationally for his own benefit," he told Bernama, here, today.

On Monday, Nur Misuari had allegedly accused Malaysia of meddling with theaffairs of the Moro Muslims in southern Philippines and claimed that Malaysia 'ruled' Sabah and Sarawak.

On Wednesday, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) secretariat chief Mohammad Ameen denied claims by Nur Misuari that Malaysia was out to break up the people of Moro.

Mustapha believes the statement and alleged accusation by Nur Misuari was proof that he (Nur Misuari) was among those responsible to instigate the Sulu terrorists to intrude into Sabah.

"I feel Nur Misuari is actually jealous of the MILF's success in the peace accord between MNLF and the Philippines government that was brokered by Malaysia, so as to make his presence felt among the people of Moro on southern Philippines," he said.

He also urged the government to conduct a thorough investigation into the Lahad Datu intrusion to find the mastermind behind such action. -- BERNAMA

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