Thursday, November 7, 2013


Lagi kisah tentang UiTM. UiTM merupakan satu-satunya tiket untuk bumiputera melanjutkan pelajaran dengan selesa. Namun, masih ramai yang tidak sedar diri dan menggunakan Diploma dan Ijazah UiTM untuk membuka dada melawan kerajaan. Contohnya seperti awek melayu yang bekerja dengan Lim Guan Eng, Dyana. Nak tahu apa kisahnya? Sambung baca dibawah:


No, thanks. I agree with new YB Irmohizam Ibrahim on the need to maintain UiTM mainly for the sons and daughters of the soil regardless of religion. That IS, after all, UiTM's DNA, it's what makes it different and special. Non-Bumiputera students' intake, if any, should be confined to special cases, eg children of civil servants, police, army, or anak yatim-piatu. If it's decided that access for non-Bumis should be increased, it must be done gradually. If taht happens, it is important that the Bumi-NonBumi ratio must reflect the country's population, as this would serve as a reminder to all these students, when they graduate, of how disproportionate other aspects of real life are out there (and why we must continue to correct the imbalances).

Kit Siang's Dyana, made-in-UiTM

However, I disagree with his idea of turning my alma mater into a Royal UiTM, and not just because it will make this proud institution of higher learning sound like a golf club. A "DiRaja" title will do nothing to protect the UiTM from those who want to force it wide open to non-Bumiputeras (while at the same time blocking the opportunities for Bumiputeras in other fields, eg private sector jobs). PDRM is the perfect example, as cited by DAP Lim Kit Siang's political secretary Dyana Sofya. She should know: just look at how unprotected our police diRaja officers have been against the poisonous barbs thrown by her own party leaders!

So Let UiTM be, I say. And I say that to people like Irmohizam and Dyana's boss Kit Siang.

If at all, it is the "Royal" that needs protecting. The word has been abused, misused, overused. Eg Royal Selangor Club, Royal Ipoh Club, Royal Lake Club, Royal This Golf Club, Royal That Golf Club ... berapa banyak kelab diRaja daa?! My suggestion: DROP all "Royal" titles from these clubs. The word "Royal" should be reserved for our Police, Army, Customs and selected civil services. Otherwise, one may get the impression that that's all our members of Royalty do - clubbing!

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