Anwar dilihat tergagap-gagap ketika menjawab soalan oleh CNN walaupun media antarabangsa tersebut adalah salah satu 'kroni'nya.
Seperti yang kita semua tahu, sebelum ini Anwar menyatakan bahawa dia tidak mengenali juruterbang persawat MH370, Kapten Zaharie Ahmad Shah. Tetapi kini Anwar telah mengaku bahawa dia adalah 'tok menakan' juruterbang tersebut?
Adakah ini adalah disebabkan Anwar malu rentetan pendedahan yang dibuat oleh menantunya sendiri dan kerana terlepas cakap ketika sidang parlimen?

Timbul beribu persoalan dan misteri apabila Anwar dan isterinya Wan Azizah cuba menipu dalam hal ini. Susah ke nak cakap benda betul? Susah ke nak mengaku Zaharie tu saudara sendiri?
Dipetik dari AAJP:
There is so much mystery and so many speculations regarding the missing flight MH370.
And to add to the mystery, PKR’s Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and his wife, Datin Seri Dr. Wan Azizah, gave contradict statements about their relationship with the MH370′s pilot, Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah.
Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s wife, Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah is the president of PKR.
At 0:34 second of the video, Anwar Ibrahim told the parliament that he knows the missing MH370 pilot.
“Tentang tragedi MH370, tentunya kita dah buat berberapa kennyataan dah doakan supaya selamat semuanya. Ada sebahagianya yang saya kenal termasuk juruterbang.”
“About the MH370 incident, we have made (media) statements and prayed that everyone is safe. I know some of them (the passengers and crews), including the pilot.”
Anyway after Britain’s The Mail published a front page story, “Doomed Airliner Pilot Was Political Fanatic”, Anwar’s wife, Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah told MStar that Anwar does not know Captain Zaharie.
MStar Monday, March 17, 2014 2:09 PM. |
Then, the medias found out that Wan Azizah and Anwar were lying.
Both PKR leaders actually know Captain Zaharie who is their daughter in-law’s uncle.
So, Anwar made another statement:
“I am not denying that he (Zaharie) is related to one of my in-laws and that I have met him on several occasions. In fact, he is a close friend of (PKR supreme council member and Subang MP) R. Sivarasa, as we said before.” – The Star.
The Star, March 18, 2014. |
But before admiting he knows the pilot, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim had claimed that he did not know Captain Zaharie:
- Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, who previously claimed he did not know the pilot of missing MH370 aircraft, has now revealed that, “Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah is related to one of my in-laws”. - The Star
- “Mr Anwar had earlier denied close links to Mr Zahari“ -
- “Anwar Ibrahim, Malaysia’s opposition leader, has stated he saw the pilot at party meetings but did not know him personally.” -
- “Mr Ibrahim has previously said he did not recognise the pilot’s name.” - Mail Online
- “I don’t recollect the name, but when the photographs were shown I remembered I had seen him at party meetings. He doesn’t hold positions in the party, but is an active member in the sense that he has been seen with the party’s parliamentary leaders, taking photographs with them,” - South China Morning Post
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