Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Sebuah syarikat gergasi US yang berasaskan pemetaan bumi (earth-imagery), DigitalGlobe melancarkan 'crowdsource search' khas untuk mencari pesawat Malaysia Airlines MH370 yang telah hilang sejak 3 hari lalu.

Anda cuma 'tag' dimana anda berada pada peta yang disediakan pada halaman tamnod. Kemudian, secara automatik gambar-gambar yang dikongsikan akan diaktifkan pada sistem Firstlook untuk paparan dan analisis syarikat.

Anda boleh daftar di SINI
DigitalGlobe launches crowdsource search for missing Malaysian plane - Denver Post 
DigitalGlobe is enlisting the crowd to scan and tag images of more than 1,200 square miles of ocean for any visible evidence that could help locate the Malaysia Airlines 777 aircraft that went missing this weekend.
The Longmont-based earth-imagery company deployed its FirstLook service on Sunday, directing two of its five satellites to snap photos of the area in the Gulf of Thailand, where investigators suspected the plane may have crashed, and then activated its crowdsourcing platform, Tomnod, on Monday afternoon.
Flight MH370, with 239 people on board, lost communication while on its way to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur. The missing plane continued to perplex investigators from around the globe three days later.
"If there is something to see on the surface (of the water), we will see it. But the question is if we are looking in the right area," said Luke Barrington, DigitalGlobe's senior manager of geospatial big data.
As each new theory led to a new dead end, the company recalibrated its action plan based on the Malaysian government's new area of focus, north and east of oil slicks reported soon after the plane went missing. 
Paparan Screen Shot dari halaman TAMNOD

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