Mungkin ada yang sudah tahu, dan mungkin ramai lagi yang belum. Antara rangkap lirik lagu tersebut:
"but for now it's off to Malaysia,Two passports, three cities, two countries, one day,Now that's worldwide"
Setelah dianalisis, lirik lagu ini secara keseluruhannya menggambarkan siapa 'mastermind' disebalik misteri kehilangan pesawat Malaysia AIrlines MH370 sejak 8 MAC 2014 lepas, Jika saya klasifikasikan lirik diilhamkan secara KEBETULAN, nampak sangat TIDAK LOGIK. Setiap baris ayat ada kaitannya dengan kejadian yang berlaku.
Pada pandangan peribadi saya, kehilangan pesawat MH370 ini adalah perancangan awal oleh pihak tertentu. Dia seperti mahu tujukan kepada seseorang dan juga memberi isyarat kepada dunia bahawa 'The World is Mine'.

To all these rappers I apologizeSaya akan berikan 'hint' pada part 1 ini, tunggu part 2 menyusul. Berita ini belum tentu kesahihannya tau, Cuma analisis 'cap ayam' dari saya.
I know it ain't fair,
the only ball I drop
New Years, Times Square
The world is mine
sixth sense
I see seven signs
now baby, let's get started for life
[SHAKIRA, Chorus:]
Everytime I look into your eyes (Mr Worldwide)
I feel like I could stare in them for a lifetime
we can get started for life (tonight)
for life (tonight) for life
we can get started for life (tonight)
for life (tonight) for life
we can get started
You know it feels right
Big news, Pitbull
Tom Cruise, Mumbai
all lit up like a December night,
like the 4th of July, Vanilla Sky
Thrilla in Manilla
Knockin em out like Pacquiao
New Ali, new Frazier
but for now it's off to Malaysia
Two passports, three cities, two countries, one day
Now that's worldwide
if you think it's a game let's play
[SHAKIRA, Chorus:]
Everytime I look into your eyes (Mr Worldwide)
I feel like I could stare in them for a lifetime
we can get started for life (tonight)
for life (tonight) for life
we can get started for life (tonight)
for life (tonight) for life
we can get started
You know it feels right
I am what they thought I'd never become,
I believed and became it
now I'm here to claim it
I hustle anything, you name it
I went from evictions to food stamps,
to back in work what dawn..
to a passport, flooded with stamps
now slowly, everywhere I land
Two passports, three cities, two countries, one day
Now that's worldwide
if you think it's a game let's play
Cause if it feels right
we shouldn't waste any more time
let's get it started, don't think about it
you know I'm gonna make alright, alright
Cause if it feels right
you know I've made up my mind
let's get it started, don't think about it
I know that we can make it alright alright
Don't start what you can't finish
you know it feels right
let's go!
you know it feels right