Friday, July 19, 2013

#BN4KualaBesut! RATUSAN ANAK JATI #N01KualaBesut SAMBUT KEHADIRAN DATO' @razaliibrahim!! @ahmadmaslan @tunfaisal

Hebat! Ratusan motosikal mengiringi konvoi Naib Ketua Pemuda UMNO Malaysia,Dato' Razali Ibrahim.

Ahli parlimen Muar yang tiba pagi tadi itu membuat lawatan ke 10 buah rumah di Pusat Daerah Menggundi (PDM) Seberang Barat Luar dan memberi bantuan kepada keluarga berkenaan.

Semasa melawat salah sebuah rumah di kawasan PDM berkenaan,beliau turut mencadangkan agar warga kurang upaya (OKU) diberikan bantuan laptop dan broadband sebagai salah insiatif memajukan ilmu pengetahuan melalui internet dan juga sebagai langkah awal perniagaan secara 'online' jika mereka berminat

Beliau dijangka meneruskan lawatan ke kawasan-kawasan PDM yang lain selepas solat Jumaat untuk aktiviti 'Pemuda Prihatin'.

Turut serta dalam lawatan Naib Ketua Pemuda ini ialah Exco Pemuda UMNO Nazir Hussin Akhtar Hussin dan Tun Faisal Ismail Aziz.

Sumber dari blog Brader Jai:

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.


Tak sangka sebenarnya sebab terbaca news pasal ni tadi. Hope semua berpuas hati dengan apa yang dibuat ini gunakan public transport untuk mengurangkan kesesakan lalulintas.  Especially kat KL.

Dipetik dari THE STAR:

In the near future, brown Proton Exoras will become the face of Malaysia’s taxis, much like New York’s yellow cabs and London’s black cabs.Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD) chairman Tan Sri Syed Hamid Albar said that the 1.6-litre MPV model will be the nationwide standard for all new Malaysian taxis.“This (Proton Exora 1.6) will be the standard bearer for the future. “We’re going to do away with all these different colours,” he told reporters at SPAD headquarters.He said that the spacious Exora was chosen for its comfort factor, with specifications for more headroom, legroom and larger baggage space.The move was one of many that SPAD was doing to standardise the taxi industry, which until now used all types of cars and colours.Syed Hamid said that customers would not have to pay higher fares for riding in the new Exoras, adding that the rates would start at RM3.The Exoras will come in manual or automatic transmission models, have either petrol or factory-fitted natural gas vehicle (NGV) models, and will be priced at RM64,000 and above.Drivers of existing models, he said, would not be forced to convert their cabs to the new standard immediately. Instead, they would be asked to use the Exora only when the permits on their current models expired.“Existing taxis have an expiry period. It will take time and they may take up to 10 years to expire.“After that, we want them to migrate to a better specifications,” he said.The first models are expected to hit the road in early September.Syed Hamid said SPAD was also looking into installing Global Positioning System (GPS) units in all new and existing taxis.Calling it the Centralised Taxi Service System (CTSS), he said that the GPS units would allow SPAD to monitor the movements of cabbies nationwide.“This is something we are going to centralise for all taxis. Even current ones will have to install a GPS,” he said.In light of recent crime cases, Syed Hamid said that SPAD was also looking into closed-circuit television systems (CCTV) and panic buttons for security reasons.Syed Hamid said that SPAD had been studying London and New York’s taxis in an effort to make Malaysian cabs more identifiable.He said it would be best for Malaysia to have a mix of individual and company-based taxi licences.“We are now looking at whether there are any dormant licences, or whether there are any drivers who have lost interest. We’ve found quite a number recently, and we’ll keep on (issuing) licences as a continuing exercise,” he said. - THE STAR


Malu! Sangat memalukan! Boleh angkat kaki dah Che Long oi....

Che Long A.K.A Calon Boneka PAS berstatus Kontraktor Kelas A yang bertanding untuk merebut jawatan ADUN di 'gelanggang' PRK DUN N01 Kuala Besut. Secara asasnya, secara sedar atau tidak dia sedang bergelut dengan sesuatu keadaan yang secara amnya menjatuhkan imejnya secara tersirat. GAGAL!

Apa yang sangat menggelikan perut ialah apabila PAS memberi kata putus supaya dia 'zip' mulut untuk memberi kenyataan secara spontan kepada media. Alasan yang diberikan pula agak bodoh, takut dan tidak  relevan dengan apa yang sedang dilakuu di era kini iaitu:- "TAKUT DI'SPIN' OLEH MEDIA (BLOGGER DAN AKTIVIS MEDIA SOSIAL PRO-BN). 

Wuishh! Kenapa calon-calon PAS yang lain boleh?  Che Long tak boleh? Mesti ada 'something' yang membuatkan dia diberikan arahan sedemikian. Berbeza dengan calon yang BN pertaruhkan, Tengku Zaihan Che Ku Abdul Rahman. Jika dilihat dari sudut fizikalnya yang kemas pun sudah cukup untuk menggambarkan dia aadalah seorang pemimpin. Dia juga berpelajaran tinggi dan berani mendekati penduduk walaupun usianya yang muda. Yang penting sekali dia tak cakap kelam kabut macam Che Long. Hehehe. 

That's our LEADER!! 

Seharusnya, sebagai pemimpin yang mahu memimpin rakyat, dia perlulah BERANI. Contoh paling mudah ialah berani memberi pendapat kepada umum. Macam mana dia nak memimpin penduduk Kuala Besut ni? Sedangkan dirinya sendiri pun masihbtak terpimpin dan kelam kabut walaupun boleh dikategorikan sebagai golongan yang elit? 

P/S: Jika saya Che Long, saya sama sekali akan UNDUR DIRI. Hahaha! Bagi pendapat saya, Che Long TAK LAYAK MENJADI ADUN DI DUN KUALA BESUT!