Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Saya amat kesal dengan apa yang dilakukan oleh 11 Ketua Pemuda UMNO di negeri Pahang kerana pada pendapat peribadi saya ianya sangat melampau dan menjatuhkan imej UMNO. Ini adalah sangat memalukan!! 

Walhal, sebelum ini mereka yang melompat kononnya tindakan Setiausaha Kerja UMNO, Datuk Rauf dan Hakim UMNO, Datuk Hafrizan menarik saman terhadap Tian Chua dan Mustafa Ali adalah 'Tidak Ada Telur'.

Ini baru betul untuk gambarkan perumpamaan "MEMBASUH SELUAR DALAM DIKHALAYAK RAMAI" - Rujuk SINI

Tidak perlu rasanya untuk membuat sidang media dengan mendedahkan kebodohan. Siap hantar memorandum lagi? Pembaca mesti nak tahu kan apa intipatinya?
Salam YB Khairy Jamaluddin, Ketua Pemuda UMNO Malaysia merangkap Menteri Belia dan Sukan.
Dengan tulus dan penuh tanggungjawab, kami 11 orang Ketua-ketua Pemuda Bahagian daripada 14 bahagian di Negeri Pahang secara bersama atas semangat setiakawan menyatakan kekesalan dan menyatakan bantahan berkenaan perlantikan Sdra Shahruddin Ahmad (Ketua Pemuda Pekan) sebagai Ketua Pemuda UMNO Negeri Pahang atas sebab dan alasan sebagaimana berikut:
1.0 Sdra Shahruddin Ahmad, Ketua Pemuda Pekan sebelum dilantik secara sedar dan penuh pasti berjanji dihadapan 10 org Ketua Pemuda UMNO Bahagian di dalam satu perjumpaan awal di Istana Hotel, Kuala Lumpur menyatakan persetujuan bahawa Ketua Pemuda Bera sebagai Naib Ketua Pemuda Negeri dan sekiranya Ketua Pemuda Bera tidak dilantik sebagai NKP maka beliau atas semangat setiakawan dan perpaduan dengan sendiri akan menolak jawatan sebagai Ketua Pemuda Negeri.
2.0 Perlantikan Sdra Shahruddin Ahmad, Ketua Pemuda Pekan sebagai Ketua Pemuda Negeri tidak lagi mendapat sokongan majoriti Ketua-ketua Pemuda Bahagian dan adalah lebih membimbangkan sekiranya perlantikan ini didasari untuk kepentingan pihak-pihak tertentu yg berkepentingan yg mencaturkan perlantikan KP Pekan sbg KP Negeri.
3.0 Sdra Shahruddin Ahmad, KP Pekan langsung tiada inisiatif utk mencari jalan penyelesaian, mahupun mengadakan perjumpaan dengan semua KP2 Bahagian.
4.0 Walaupun telah dinasihati oleh beberapa Ketua Pemuda Bahagian yang situasi ketika itu masih didalam pertimbangan agar KP Pekan sebagai KP Negeri berjumpa seorang demi seorang memberi penjelasan dalam menjernihkan kembali keadaan, namun nasihat yg diberi langsung tidak diendah.
5.0 Kami majoriti KP2 Bahagian hilang kepercayaan kepada Sdr Shahruddin Ahmad KP Pekan sbg KP Negeri kerana beliau gagal mendengar pandangan dan suara akar umbi dan gagal memupuk kemesraan yg baik.
Demi kelangsungan politik, perpaduan yang menyeluruh Pemuda UMNO Negeri Pahang, Kami majoriti 11 Ketua Pemuda UMNO Bahagian2 di Negeri Pahang, dengan ini secara sebulat suara menyokong penuh Sdr Zoolihsan Ketua Pemuda Bera sbg Ketua Pemuda Negeri yang baru. Keyakinan dan kepercayaan kami semua amat tinggi kepada Sdr Zoolihsan sbg KP Negeri Pahang dalam memastikan pemuda pahang terus bersatu dan terus diupayakan.
Kami juga majoriti 11 Ketua Pemuda Bahagian tidak akan menerima jawatan sebagai Ketua Pemuda Negeri dan tidak akan menerima perlantikan mana mana Ketua Pemuda Bahagian yg lain selain drp Sdr Zoolihsan, Ketua Pemuda Bera.
Kami amat yakin dengan kebijaksanaan YB Khairy Jamaludin sbg Ketua Pemuda Malaysia akan memberikan pempertimbangkan sewajarnya Memorandum Kami ini demi Kebaikan Seluruh Pemuda UMNO Pahang.
Sekian, Terima Kasih. source

Namun begitu, sudah ada suara maya yang mahukan kesemua daripada 11 KP ini dikenakan tindakan tatatertib kerana melanggar tataetika parti. Saya pun sarankan benda yang sama. Mohon dipertimbangkan. 
Jalan yang mereka ambil sangat memalukan Umno sendiri dan memberi peluru kepada pembangkang dengan melihat Pemuda Umno Pahang dalam krisis yang amat teruk hanya kerana perebutan kuasa politik . Aku mahu pihak lembaga disiplin Umno mengambil tindakkan tegas terhadap mereka kerana mereka bukan ahli biasa tetapi Ketua2 Pemuda Bahagian yang di pilih untuk menjalankan tanggungjawab membela Agama , Bangsa dan Tanah air ini bukan membela dan berebut jawatan sama sendiri.
Ketua-Ketua Pemuda Pahang ini juga baru sahaja mememang jawatan sebagai Ketua , jadi jalankan kerja yang boleh memenangkan parti bukan saling menhancurkan sesama kita , banyak tempat di Pahang sudah di takluki pembangkang , jadi bersatu merampas kembali kawasan yang hilang , bukan bersatu berebut satu jawatan .
Kita kena menghormati apa yang telah di pilih , baru berapa bulan pegang jawatan selepas pemilihan Umno dah jadi haru biru , sebagai Ketua Pemuda Bahagian yang baru anda semua harus belajar perang dengan pembangkang bukan belajar perang sama sendiri.
Maaflah cakap walaupun 2 minggu tiada respon dari Yb Khairy namun membuat sidang media secara terbuka adalah satu malapetaka besar buat Umno dan menjatuhkan maruah Umno itu sendiri.

Banyak saluran yang boleh di buat untuk di bincangkan bukan bincang MELALUI MEDIA seperti yang di lakukan oleh 11 KETUA PEMUDA BAHAGIAN PAHANG ini !!!

Aku pasti ada pihak berkepentingan yang menjadi dalang dalam isu mahu menjatuhkan KETUA PEMUDA UMNO PAHANG ini !! BEB ini bukan masanya untuk menjatuhkan orang !!! masa pemilihan dulu tak sibuk pulak nak jatuhkan orang !! huh !!

Aku TEGASKAN sekali lagi UMNO DAN LEMBAGA DISIPLIN UMNO PUSAT harus mengambil tindakkan tegas terhadap mereka , kerana yang mahu mereka jatuhkan adalah KETUA PEMUDA UMNO PAHANG DAN MERANGKAP KETUA PEMUDA UMNO PEKAN KAWASAN PERDANA MENTERI SENDIRI !!!

Adalah ini satu konspirasi mahu menjatuhkan dan memalukan Perdana Menteri sendiri !!! Aku tak ksiah kalau ahli biasa atau rakyat yang membantah tapi ni KORANG semua berjawatan sebagai KETUA PEMUDA BAHAGIAN !!! MEMALUKAN !! HUH !!!

Jika nak tunjuk pandai sekalipun, jangan sampai menyusahkan orang lain. Saya percaya, jika masih berlarutan, negeri Pahang akan menjadi milik pembangkang disebabkan kebangangan Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO negeri mereka sendiri. 


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

DEAR DATUK A.KADIR JASIN: "Lu Langsi, Lu Mati!!"

Saya agak pelik dan hairan kenapa bekas Ketua Pengarang Media Prima, Datuk A.Kadir Jasin masuk campur hal bloggers UMNO. Bukan nak kritik tetapi mahu PANCUNG!!! Ini kerana saya tidak bersetuju dengan kenyataannya kerana menggambarkan bloggers UMNO ini bodoh kerana mengkritiknya!!

Dengar khabar, Kadir Jasin ini 'frust' kerana tidak dapat menjadi Pengarah Media Prima Berhad. Rasanya disebabkan itulah dia aktif mengkiritik PM? Tak gitu? Hahahaha!! Jangan guna jalan singkat dan berapi walaupun rasa tamak tu membuak-buak sangat. 


Sejak 2009 lagi bloggers UMNO berjuang, tapi inilah hakikatnya, KAMI TIDAK PERNAH DIHARGAI WALAUPUN KADANGKALA NAK ISI PERUT PUN TAK MAMPU. Sama seperti 'Instagraman Lifestyle' katakan, sdr Ibdillah Ishak (Pengerusi Biro Media Baru) bahawa UMNO telah membuat kesilapan besar kerana membayar bloggers??

1. Tidak mengapa jika Kadir mengkritik, tapi jangan mengkritik Kadir
2. Blogger-blogger (& cybertrooper) pro-UMNO tidak pernah membantu kepimpinan UMNO, tetapi 8 artikel Kadir sebelum PRU13 yang membantu kemenangan BN
3. (Tidak ke bodoh) Blogger UMNO basuh seluar dalam di khalayak ramai, tapi kalau Kadir menyerang kepimpinan, tidak mengapa basuh seluar dalam di khalayak ramai
4. Saya bini dua pun orang tulis, apa saya kisah - err kalau tak kisah kenapa Kadir nak bangkitkan dalam wawancara
5. Kadir dah berkawan dengan Datuk Seri Najib sejak tahun 1977, tapi Kadir tiada saluran untuk menyampaikan isi hati dan berjumpa Datuk Seri Najib? Sms, BBM, whatsapp pun tak dapat? Kalau betul la kenyataan ini, bukan saja Datuk Seri Najib teruk tapi Kadir pun sama juga la teruknya... blogger maki hamun yang tak kenal Datuk Seri Najib begitu lama pun ada saluran untuk berjumpa beliau. 
Saya malas hendak campur hal A Kadir Jasin dengan Perdana Menteri berkaitan MEDIA PRIMAseperti yang di dakwa blogger Malay Rights dan RBF. Saya pun ada perkara-perkara yang saya tidak bersetuju dengan Perdana Menteri, terutama penasihat serta punahsihatnya. Kalau ada pun sebab kenapa saya hendak menyampuk adalah kerana Kadir TIDAK MENGHARGAI peranan dan sumbangan para pejuang siber pro-UMNO yang telah mengabdikan tenaga dan masa untuk berhadapan dengan pejuang siber pro-pembangkang sejak 2009 lagi. 
Bersetuju dengan Exco Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO Malaysia, sdr Ibdilillah sebelum memahami pendiriannya mengenai pejuang siber pro-UMNO yang mengakibatkan dia diserang sebelum ini adalah tindakan tidak matang seorang wartawan lama dan so-called blogger. Cubalah buatgroundwork sedikit untuk memahami punca kenapa Ibdil diserang begitu rupa. Kalau tidak mahu membaca dari blog pro-UMNO yang dipandang keji oleh Kadir, bacalah dari blog Mazidul dan cuba fahami isunya. 
Nak tahu al-kisah penuh? klik SINI & SINI

Monday, January 20, 2014

#Japan: WHY @anwaribrahim? INI DIA SEBAB MUSABABNYA!!! #Kangkung

Saya percaya bahawa ini adalah suatu berita yang paling mengkangkungkan bagi Ketua Pembangkang, DS Anwar Ibrahim. Jika ianya berlaku terhadap batang hidung saya sendiri pun saya akan merasa benda yang sama. 

I arrived at Narita International Airport at 6.45 this morning from Kuala Lumpur but was barred from entry by the Japanese immigration authorities and was told to board the first flight back home or face deportation.  
When I asked why I was not allowed to enter, they told me that it was because of my previous conviction in 1999. I told them this could not be a valid reason on account of the fact that prior to this I had already entered Tokyo without hindrance on three previous occasions in 2006, 2009, and 2012.  

TAPI, adakah kita semua tahu kenapa dia dilarang memasuki negara tersebut? Daripada sumber yang saya ketahui, terdapat akta yang digezetkan oleh negara Jepun sendiri dan ia tidak sedikit pun melibatkan UMNO!!

Anwar Ibrahim dilarang masuk ke negara tersebut kerana beliau pernah ke Tokyo pada tahun 2006, 2009 dan 2012.  
Anwar mendakwa tindakan imigresen Jepun adalah disebabkan oleh 'repot terbaru' yang diterima oleh negara itu berkemungkinan pada tahun 2013. Benarkah atau Anwar sekadar menimbulkan persepsi ada konspirasi di sebalik larangan masuk ke negara tersebut? 
Kita tentu ingin tahu isi kandungan 'repot terbaru' yang dimaksudkan oleh Anwar. 
Di bawah adalah perincian Undang-undang Imigrasi Artikel 24 negara Jepun bagi mereka yang dilarang masuk ke negara itu.

Article 24 Any alien who falls under any of the following items may be deported from Japan in accordance with the procedures provided for in the following Chapter.
(i) A person who has entered Japan in violation of the provisions of Article 3.
(ii) A person who has landed in Japan without obtaining permission for landing from an immigration inspector.
(ii)-2 A person whose status of residence has been revoked pursuant to the provisions of Article 22-4, paragraph (1) (limited to those pertaining to item (i) or item (ii)).
(ii)-3 A person who has received a designated period of stay pursuant to the provisions of Article 22-4, paragraph (6) (including cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis to Article 61-2-8, paragraph (2)) and has stayed in Japan beyond the designated period.
(iii) A person who has forged or altered a document or drawing, has prepared a false document or drawing, or has used, possessed, transferred or lent a forged or altered document or drawing or false document or drawing, or has arranged the transfer or lending thereof with the intent of helping another alien to illegally receive issuance of a certificate, a seal of verification for landing (including the recording of the prescribed data pursuant to the provision of Article 9, paragraph (4)) or special permission pursuant to the provisions of Chapter III, Section I or II, permission for landing pursuant to the provisions of Chapter III, Section IV or the permission pursuant to the provisions of Section I of this chapter or Section III of the following chapter
(iii)-2 A person who the Minister of Justice determines, having reasonable grounds to believe as much, is likely to commit a criminal act for the purpose of intimidation of the general public and of governments (hereinafter in this item to be referred to as the "criminal act for the purpose of intimidation of the general public and of governments") provided for in Article 1 of the Act for Punishment of the Financing of Criminal Activities for the Purpose of Intimidation of the General Public and of Governments (Act No. 67 of 2002), the act of preparing for the criminal act for the purpose of intimidation of the general public and of governments, or the act of facilitating the criminal act for the purpose of intimidation of the general public and of governments.
(iii)-3 A person whose entry into Japan shall be prevented pursuant to an international agreement.
(iv) An alien residing in Japan (except for those to whom permission for provisional landing, permission for landing at a port of call, permission for landing in transit, landing permission for crew members, or landing permission due to distress has been granted) who falls under any of the following sub-items:
(a) A person who is clearly found to be engaged solely in activities related to the management of business involving income or activities for which he/she receives reward in violation of the provisions of Article 19, paragraph (1) (except for those under the control of another due to trafficking in persons).
(b) A person who has stayed in Japan beyond the period of stay authorized without obtaining an extension or change thereof.
(c) A person who has committed trafficking in persons or incited or aided another to commit it.
(d) A person who has been punished for violation of the provisions of paragraph (1) (except for item (vi)) to paragraph (3) of Article 23 of the Passport Act (Act No. 267 of 1951).
(e) A person who has been punished for violation of the provisions of Articles 74 to 74-6-3, or 74-8.
(f) A person who has been sentenced to imprisonment or a heavier punishment for violation of the provisions of laws and regulations relating to alien registration, except for those who have been found guilty with suspension of execution of sentence.
(g) A person who is a juvenile provided for by the Juvenile Act (Act No. 168 of 1948) and who has been sentenced on or after November 1, 1951, to imprisonment with or without work for not less than 3 years.
(h) A person who has been convicted on or after November 1, 1951, for violation of a provision of the Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances Control Act, the Marijuana Control Act, the Opium Control Act, the Stimulants Control Act, the Act on Special Provisions for the Narcotics and Psychotropics Control Act, etc. and Other Matters for the Prevention of Activities Encouraging Illicit Conduct and Other Activities Involving Controlled Substances through International Cooperation (Act No. 94 of 1991) or Part II, Chapter XIV of the Penal Code (Act No. 45 of 1907).
(i) In addition to those persons listed in sub-items (d) to (h), a person who has been sentenced on or after November 1, 1951, to imprisonment with work or imprisonment for life or for a period of not less than 1 year. However, this shall not apply to those who have been found guilty with suspension of execution of sentence.
(j) A person who engages or has engaged in prostitution, or intermediation or solicitation of prostitutes for others, or provision of a place for prostitution, or any other business directly connected to prostitution (except for those under the control of another due to trafficking in persons).
(k) A person who has stirred up, incited, or aided the illegal entry or illegal landing of another alien into Japan.
(l) A person who attempts or advocates the overthrow of the Constitution of Japan or the Government formed thereunder by means of force or violence, or who organizes or is a member of a political party or any other organization, which attempts or advocates the same.
(m) A person who organizes, or is a member of, or is closely affiliated with any of the following political parties or other organizations:
1. A political party or organization which encourages acts of violence or the assault, killing, or injury of officials of the Government or local public entities for the reason of their being such officials.
2. A political party or organization, which encourages illegal damage or destruction of public installations or facilities.
3. A political party or organization, which encourages acts of dispute such as stopping or preventing the normal maintenance or operation of security facilities of a plant or a place of work.
(n) A person who has prepared, distributed or exhibited printed matters, motion pictures, or any other documents or drawings to attain the objectives of any political party or organization as prescribed in sub-item (1) or (m).
(o) In addition to those persons listed in sub-items (a) to (n), a person who, the Minister of Justice determines, has committed acts detrimental to the interests or public security of Japan.
(iv)-2 A person who is staying in Japan with a status of residence listed in the left-hand column of Appended Table I and has been sentenced to imprisonment with or without work on the charge of a crime provided for in Part II, Chapter XII, XVI to XIX, XXIII, XXVI, XXVII, XXXI, XXXIII, XXXVI, XXXVII or XXXIX of the Penal Code of Japan, or in Article 1, 1-2 or 1-3 (except for the parts pertaining to Article 222 or 261 of the Penal Code of Japan) of the Act on Punishment of Physical Violence and Others, or in the Act for Prevention and Disposition of Robbery, Theft, and Other Related Matters or Article 15 or 16 of the Act on Prohibition of Possession of Special Picking Tools, and Other Related Matters.
(iv)-3 A person whose status of residence is "Temporary Visitor", and has illegally killed, injured, assaulted or threatened a person, or damaged or destroyed a building or other objects in relation to the process or results of an international competition held in Japan or with the intent of preventing the smooth operation thereof, at the venue of the international competition or within the area of the municipality where the venue is to be located (this refers to "ward" where the Tokyo special wards exist or designated cities prescribed in Article 252-19, paragraph (1) of the Local Autonomy Act) or to neighboring places provided for use to unspecified persons or a number of persons.
(v) A person who has been granted permission for provisional landing and flees or fails to appear at a summons without justifiable reason in violation of the conditions imposed pursuant to the provisions of Article 13, paragraph (3).
(v)-2 A person who has been ordered to depart from Japan pursuant to the provisions of Article 10, paragraph (7) or (11), or Article 11, paragraph (6) but does not depart without delay.
(vi) A person who has been granted permission for landing at a port of call, permission for landing in transit, landing permission for crew members, permission for emergency landing, landing permission due to distress or landing permission for temporary refuge, but stays in Japan beyond the period entered in his/her passport or permit.
(vi)-2 A person who has been designated a period for departure pursuant to the provisions of Article 16, paragraph (9), but does not return to his/her vessel or depart from Japan within that period
(vii) A person prescribed in Article 22-2, paragraph (1), who stays in Japan beyond the period prescribed in Article 22-2, paragraph (1), without receiving permission pursuant to the provisions of Article 20, paragraphs (3) and (4), as applied mutatis mutandis to Article 22-2, paragraph (3) or pursuant to the provisions of Article 22-2, paragraphs (2) and (3), as applied mutatis mutandis to Article 22, paragraph (4).
(viii) A person who has been given a departure order pursuant to the provisions of Article 55-3, paragraph (1), but stays in Japan
beyond the time limit for departure pertaining to the departure order.
(ix) A person whose departure order has been revoked pursuant to the provisions of Article 55-6.
(x) A person who stays in Japan with permission granted pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-2-2, paragraph (1), or Article 61-2-3, but whose recognition of refugee status has been revoked pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-2-7, paragraph (1) (limited to those pertaining to item (i) or item (iii)). source
Manakala, terdapat undang-undang lain yang mengatakan bahawa anwar adalah pencetus kekecohan!! MEMANG PUN!!!
(iv) A person who has been convicted of a violation of any law or regulation of Japan, or of any other country, and has been sentenced to imprisonment with or without work for 1 year or more, or to an equivalent penalty. However, this shall not apply to those convicted of a political offense. Source