Showing posts with label mh370. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mh370. Show all posts

Friday, April 11, 2014


Banyak teori dan spekulasi yang didengari (SINI) dan segala yang saya tulis berkaitan pesawat Malaysia Airlines MH370 (SINI), ada yang mengatakan bahawa pesawat di markas ketenteraan U.S (Diego Garcia). 

Pada pandangan saya, setelah lokasi di Diego Garcia bocor, lokasi pesawat cuba dialihkan ke Pakistan pula. Laporan terbaru adalah di Kandahar (SINI)

Seperti apa yang didedahkan oleh perisikan Russia, penumpang pesawat masih hidup dan pesawat SAH dirampas!! 239 penumpang dibahagikan kepada 7 kumpulan dan 'dijaga rapi' di sebuah pondok lumpur serta kekurangan makanan. SIAL AMERIKA!

Seperti yang dilaporkan DailyStar:
They're alive! MH370 passengers were hijacked and taken to Afghan says Russia's FSB 
A source in the country’s FSB secret service said the plane has been hijacked and flown close to the Pakistan border. 
The Boeing 777 has been missing since March 8 and it is thought the black box which holds the flight’s secrets may have run out of battery. 
There are 239 people on board the Malaysia Airlines plane, which was flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. 
The source told a Russia newspaper: All the passengers are alive, they have been divided into seven groups and are living in mud huts with almost no food,” reported the Sun. 
The report added that 20 passengers who were Asian “specialists” have been smuggled into a bunker in Pakistan. 
Searchers looking for the missing plane have discovered new signals consistent with those emitted by black boxes in the southern Indian Ocean.  [Full Story]

Sunday, April 6, 2014


Pelik betul dengan Syarikat Penerbangan Air Asia ini, sudahlah baru-baru ini juruterbangnya dah buat hal (SINI), ditambah pula apabila pihak Air Asia seolah 'mengugut' tidak mahu berganjak dari Terminal Tambang Rendah (LCCT), sekarang isu MH370 pula 'diugut'!!

Pada pandangan peribadi saya, sememangnya ini adalah tindakan yang agak 'kurang ajar' dan tidak matang oleh syarikat penerbangan yang bertaraf antarabangsa seperti Air Asia ini.

Sepatutnya pihak Air Asia iklankan ucapan takziah kepada 239 penumpang dan krew yang terlibat dalam tragedi pesawat Malaysia Airlines (MAS) MH370, tapi ini adalah sebaliknya? Apakah itu................??

Tengok ini:

“Pilot training in AirAsia is continuous and very thorough. Rest assured that your captain is well prepared to ensure your plane will never get lost.” - AIR ASIA MAGAZINE
Adakah ini adalah kerana populariti Air Asia tenggelam rentetan 'publisiti durian runtuh' yang MAS dapat melalui tragedi MH370? Jawapan saya adalah 80% ialah YA dan 20% lagi ialah MUNGKIN.

Seperti yang diketahui, Air Asia agak popular sebelum ini kerana dikatakan memberikan servis yang baik dan memiliki tambang yang murah. Manakala, MAS pula adalah sebuah syarikat penerbangan kerajaan yang telah rugi berbillion (SINI) dan kini akan bertambah rugi disebabkan musibah tragedi MH370!! 

CEO Air Asia, Tony Fernandes harus lebih 'alert' dengan bahan pengiklanan dan promosi oleh stafnya. Info terkini, dia sudah pun membuat permohonan maaf diatas kebodohan ini seperti yang dilaporkan di laman akhbar/berita dan laman-laman blog. Sambung, baca dibawah:
AirAsia today apologised and removed its latest in-flight magazine from all its aircraft after an article was criticised for being sarcastic towards the missing MH370
  • AirAsia has apologised over an article published on its in-flight travel magazine travel 3sixty April edition, which appeared to be sarcastic towards the missing Malaysia Airlines MH370 flight. -
  • In a statement here, AirAsia executive chairman and Travel 3Sixty’s publisher Datuk Kamarudin Meranun apologised for the slight and said that copies of the magazine have been removed from all AirAsia flights. -

Timbalan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Kumpulan AirAsia, Kamarudin Meranun telah umumkan bahawa Air Asia akan laksanakan tindakan disiplin/tatatertib terhadap 'editorial team' yang terlibat. Ini bagus, tapi harap jangan "Indah Khabar Dari Rupa" sudah lah. Apa-apa pun sila SEGERAKAN, pastikan dalam masa tidak sampai 24 jam ada timbul berita baru berkenaan tindakan ini.
Berikut adalah kenyataan oleh Kamarudin:

  • "With deep regret and remorse I would like to sincerely apologise for any offense caused by the Pilot's Perspective article in the latest issue of Travel 3Sixty magazine. The section is a monthly column on aviation written by Capt Lim Khoy Hing, a retired pilot who formally worked with AirAsia as well as Malaysia Airlines and has written books on aviation industry. As a monthly contributor, Capt Lim prepares all of his articles months in advance before the magazine goes to print. Unintentionally and regrettably, the current issue carries an article that discusses GPS and Radar, which was printed a month before its issue date." -
  • "We’ve addressed the issue and have improved our editorial approval process to ensure this does not happen in future and ensure that all contents in the magazine are consistent with our brand values. Disciplinary action will be taken against the editorial team as well. We are removing the magazine from all of our flights on all AirAsia aircraft immediately. Our thoughts and prayers remain with the family and friends of the recent aviation incident." -
  • "This is a truly difficult time for the nation and words cannot describe how I personally feel about this incident. It truly saddens me that this article was released at such an inopportune moment. Again, I repeatedly offer my sincere apologies for any discomfort this may have caused." -

CEO Air Asia, Tony Fernandes telah menyatakan permohonan maaf melalui laman Twitternya:

  • On the day the plane went missing, Fernandes said on Twitter that the aircraft’s radio had failed and that all were safe, but later deleted the tweet. -
Ini pula respon awal/kritikan oleh penggiat media sosial berkaitan dengan berita yang dilaporkan sebelum ini:

Ramai yang beranggapan bahawa ini adalah tidak sesuai dengan situasi dan biadap kerana sekarang seluruh dunia sedang dalam kesedihan menunggu berita tragedi MH370. Selain itu, ianya seolah-olah tidak menjaga sensitiviti keluarga penumpang dan krew.

Respon artis Hanis Zalikha

  • The issue first came to light when a passenger flying aboard an AirAsia flight photographed the page and posted it on the microblogging site yesterday, before accusing the airline of being managed by “arrogant douchebags”. - 
  • Airline pulls magazine boasting its pilots 'would never lose a plane' -



Saturday, April 5, 2014


Walaupun disabotaj tahap tak boleh dibendung oleh supporter PR bernama Syed Saifullah yg declare dirinya sbg pejuang siber pembangkang, Red Bean Army (RBA), DS Rosmah tetap tawadduq n sabar, malah siap mendoakan kesejahteraan budak tu. Ternyata keikhlasan n kemuliaan yg ada pada diri DS Rosmah.

Syed Saifullah harus minta maaf...!!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Ini merujuk kepada penulisan penting oleh Abdul Majdi Hasan, seorang warganegara Malaysia. Dia mengatakan bahawa Amerika adalah dalang disebalik kehilangan pesawat Malaysia Airlines MH370. Berikut adalah petikan artikelnya yang sedang viral di facebook:

BONGKAR!!! Terdapat 5 agen Amerika dan Israel yang matikan transponder pesawat MH370?? | Adakah anda pernah mendengar teori konspirasi mengenai kehilangan MH 370? Perkara ini berlaku seperti ini:
Amerika telah keluar daripada Afghanistan, salah satu sistem kawal dan perintah (command and control system - CNC) mereka (yang digunakan untuk mengawal Drone tanpa pemandu) telah dirampas oleh Taliban ketika konvoi pengangkutan Amerika sedang bergerak ke bawah dari salah satu pangkalan di atas bukit. Taliban menyerang hendap konvoi tersebut dan membunuh 2 kakitangan Navy Seal Amerika, merampas peralatan/senjata, termasuk CNC yang beratnya 20 tan dan dimasukkan ke dalam enam peti. Peristiwa ini berlaku lebih kurang sebulan yang lalu pada Februari 2014. Tiada liputan dalam peristiwa ini. 
Apa yang Taliban mahu ialah wang. Mereka mahu menjual sistem CNC tersebut kepada Rusia atau China. Rusia terlalu sibuk dengan urusan di Ukraine. China pula amat dahagakan teknologi sistem ini. Bayangkan jika China dapat menguasai teknologi di belakang sistem CNC ini, semua Drone Amerika akan tidak berguna lagi. Oleh itu China telah menghantar lapan saintis pakar pertahanan mereka untuk memeriksa sistem yang dirampas tersebut dan bersetuju untuk membayar jutaan dollar untuk itu. 
Sekitar awal Mac 2014, lapan saintis China tersebut bersama 6 peti melakukan perjalanan mereka ke Malaysia, dengan berpendapat laluan ini adalah yang terbaik untuk mengelakkan dari dikesan. Kargo ini kemudian disimpan dalam Kedutaan China di bawah perlindungan diplomatik. Sementara itu, Amerika dengan bantuan perisikan Israel, bersama-sama merangka pelan untuk memintas dan menawan semula kargo tersebut. 
China berfikiran adalah lebih selamat untuk mengangkut kargo tersebut menggunakan pesawat awam untuk mengelakkan syak wasangka. Lagipun penerbangan terus dari KL ke Beijing mengambil masa hanya 4 jam setengah, dan Amerika dipercayai tidak akan merampas atau memudaratkan pesawat awam itu. Jadi MH370 adalah pilihan yang terbaik. 
Terdapat 5 agen Amerika dan Israel, yang sudah biasa dengan operasi Boeing 777 di dalam pesawat ini. 2 warga “Iran” dengan pasport curi kemungkinan diantaranya. 
Sebaik sahaja MH370 meninggalkan ruang udara Malaysia dan melapor diri kepada kawalan udara Vietnam, satu pesawat AWACS Amerika telah menyekat isyarat komunikasi mereka (jammed the signal), mematikan sistem kawalan juruterbang dan menukar kawalan kepada mod kawalan jauh (remote control). Pada ketika itu pesawat hilang ketinggian secara tiba-tiba untuk seketika. 
Bagaimana AWACS boleh melakukannya? Ingat peristiwa 911? Selepas peristiwa itu, semua pesawat Boeing (Airbus dan mungkin semua) dipasang dengan sistem kawalan jauh untuk menentang rampasan pesawat oleh pengganas. Sejak itu semua Boeing boleh terbang dengan kawalan jauh oleh menara kawalan di daratan. Sistem kawalan jauh yang sama digunakan untuk mengawal pesawat pengintip tanpa pemandu dan Drone. 
Seterusnya, 5 agen Amerika dan Israel mengambil alih kawalan pesawat, mematikan transponder dan sistem komunikasi yang lain, mengubah laluan dan terbang ke arah barat. Mereka tidak terbang timur, ke Filipina atau Guam kerana Laut China Selatan dan keseluruhan ruang udaranya diawasi sepenuhnya oleh radar dan satelit pengawasan China. 
Radar tentera Malaysia, Thailand dan India sebenarnya telah mengesan pesawat yang tidak dikenali itu tetapi seperti dijangka mereka bertindak balas secara tidak profesional. 
Pesawat itu kemudian terbang ke atas Sumatra Utara, Anambas, India Selatan dan kemudian mendarat di Maldives (beberapa penduduk kampung menyaksikan pendaratan pesawat), mengisi minyak dan meneruskan penerbangannya ke Deigo Garcia, Pangkalan Udara Amerika di tengah-tengah Lautan Hindi. Sebaik mendarat, kargo dikeluarkan dan kotak hitam ditanggalkan. Penumpang disenyapkan (dibunuh) melalui kaedah secara semula jadi, iaitu kekurangan oksigen. Mereka percaya hanya orang mati sahaja yang tidak akan membocorkan rahsia. Pesawat MH370 dengan penumpang yang sudah mati sekali lagi berlepas dan diterbangkan dengan kawalan jauh menuju selatan Lautan Hindi, untuk menjadikan orang percaya bahawa pesawat kehabisan minyak dan akhirnya terhempas ke lautan, dengan menyalahkan kapten dan pembantu juruterbang yang degil. 
Amerika telah melakukan persembahan yang baik. Pertama, mereka mengalihkan semua perhatian dan usaha carian di Laut China Selatan padahal MH370 terbang ke arah barat ke Lautan Hindi. Kemudian mereka dengan bantuan media-media mereka telah mengeluarkan kenyataan-kenyataan yang bercanggah dan bukti-bukti untuk mengelirukan dunia. Australia memainkan peranan sebagai pembantu pelakon. 
Jika dilihat usaha yang dibuat oleh China, dari segi bilangan pesawat carian, kapal dan satelit, mula-mula mencari di Laut China Selatan, kemudian di Selat Melaka dan Lautan Hindi, ini agak luar biasa. Ini menunjukkan bahawa China amat prihatin, bukan kerana ramainya penumpang awam China, tetapi lebih kepada nilai tinggi kandungan pesawat dan nyawa lapan ahli-ahli sains pertahanannya. 
Jangan percaya cerita? Saya tidak mengharapkan anda untuk mempercayai tetapi mari kita tunggu dan lihat bagaimana episod ini mendedahkan diri akhirnya nanti. Atau mungkin ia tidak akan berlaku sehingga kemunculan Snowden (Edward Snowden – pakar komputer US, bekas kakitangan CIA yang berpaling tadah dan mendedahkan pelbagai program dan dokumen rahsia US).


Transkrip penuh komunikasi antara pesawat MH370 dan menara kawalan udara Kuala Lumpur telah dikeluarkan pada Selasa, mendedahkan tiada sesuatu yang ‘luar biasa’.

Pemangku Menteri Pengangkutan, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein berkata, transkrip tersebut sudah dikongsi dengan ahli keluarga penumpang.

“Tidak ada tanda sesuatu yang luar biasa di dalam transkrip itu,” kata Hishammuddin dalam satu kenyataan pada Selasa.

Transkrip itu diakhiri dengan komunikasi trafik udara Malaysia yang terlebih dahulu mengucapkan selamat malam kepada MH370 dan mengarahkan juruterbang untuk menghubungi menara kawalan udara di vietnam sebelum memasuki ruang udara negara itu.

Komunikasi akhir dihantar pada pukul 1.19 pagi dari salah seorang juruterbang MH370 yang mengucapkan ‘selamat malam, Malaysia Tiga Tujuh Kosong’.

Pesawat itu hilang dari radar tidak lama selepas itu dan masih belum dijumpai, walaupun Malaysia percaya laluan itu sengaja dialihkan dan terbang berjam-jam lamanya menghala Lautan Hindi, lokasi pesawat itu disahkan berakhir.

Transkrip komunikasi antara pesawat MH370 dengan menara kawalan udara Kuala Lumpur pada 8 Mac lalu - Mstar


Tian Chua adalah merupakan individu yang patut dihalau keluar dari Malaysia. Kenapa saya kata begini? Ini adalah kerana disebabkan keceluparan yang dimilikinya.

Sejak konflik di Lahad Datu lagi dia sudah lantang bersuara. Menyalahkan UMNO dan menjatuhkan imej negara dimata dunia.

Namun begitu, adakah dia pernah hiraukan sensitiviti dan permohonan maaf oleh pihak tertentu? Jawapannya adala TIDAK.

Begitu juga dengan kritikan dan tohmahan yang diterima, di juga tidak hiraukannya.

Dia juga dilihat tidak menghormati keputusan mahkamah, semua orang tahu bahawa Mahkamah Rayuan menjatuhkan hukuman 5 tahun penjara keatas Anwar Ibahim kerana disabitkan kesalahan meliwat Saiful Bukhari.

Dia sudah nekad dan berjanji untuk jatuhkan kerajaan pemerintahan DS Najib Razak dalam 5 bulan dalam tweetnya di halaman Twitter.

Tian Chua juga dikatakan seperti mengetahui rahsia disebalik kehilangan MH370. Rujuk SINI.

Kita sibuk membuat laporan polis dan ternyata ianya sia-sia disebabkan kebodohan kepimpinan UMNO yang sewenangnya mahu selesaikannya diluar mahkamah?


Mereka ini pun patut diundurkan tidak lama lagi!! (rujuk artikel saya sebelum ini - SINI)


Ini adalah salah satu faktor kenapa Tian Chua masih mendabik dada dan bebas menghuru-harakan negara. Kita kena faham akan konsep "BERANI BUAT BERANI TANGGUNG".

Caranya cuma DESAK DAN BONGKAR!! Jika Tian Chua dikenakan tindakan yang sewajarnya, saya percaya, Malaysia akan aman dan perpaduan dikalangan rakyat Malaysia tidak akan terpalit oleh hasutan bangsat ini!!


Sunday, March 30, 2014


Menurut laman Planes Potters, iaitu laman yang menceritakan 1001 persoalan dan jawapan mengenai pesawat. Maknanya, pasti ada jawapan bagi merungkai misteri/konspirasi pesawat Malaysia Airlines MH370 yang menjadi tanda tanya diseluruh dunia sejak 8 Mac 2014 lalu.

Saya begitu tidak sangka bahawa pesawat Malaysia Airlines MH370 iaitu pesawat jenis Boeing777-200 (9M-MRO) mempunyai kembar di Israel!!!! 


THE ISRAELI TWIN - Why would Israel have a plane identical to the missing Malaysia Airlines plane in storage in Tel Aviv? The plane in this photo is Boeing 777 2H6(ER) first flown in July 1998, Construction No. 28416* (Original Reg. No. 9M-MRI), an identical twin of the missing plane, which was given a new registration number (N105GT) and flown to Israel in November 2013.

THE MISSING PLANE - A photo by Bernhard Ebner of the missing Malaysia Airlines plane in Amsterdam, May 5, 2013. This plane, a Boeing 777-2H6(ER) with Construction No. 28420, Reg. No. 9M-MRO, was first flown on May 14, 2002, and delivered to Malaysia Airlines on May 31, 2002. It is thought to have crashed into the southern Indian Ocean on March 8, 2014.
ini pula adalah gambar kembar 9M-MRO (MH370) yang ditangkap semasa ianya 'disorok' di Tel Aviv, Israel pada Disember tahun lepas. Kembar pesawat telah hilang dari tempat asal sejurus selepas kehilangan MH370? Terdapat dakwaan bahawa ini adalah salah satu plot serangan pengganas (Plane Attack/911 Plot Attack) yang seterusnya.

THE TWIN PLANE IN TEL AVIV, ISRAEL, DECEMBER 2013 - What are the Israelis doing with this retired Malaysia Airlines plane in a hanger in Tel Aviv? Could it be part of a false-flag terror plot in the making? Where is this plane today?


ICAO24: 75008F
SERIAL #: 28420
IN SERVICE: 05/14/2002 , #404
FLIGHT LOG: 53, 460 HRS; 7525 CYCLES


The Malaysia Air 777 with Boeing serial number 28416 and registered as 9M-MRI was sold to GA Telesis, LLC of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on October 21, 2013, and is now registered as N105GT. The aircraft was stored at Tarbes Lourdes Pyrenees on October 4, 2013, and then on November 4, 2013, it was re-registered as N105GT and stored at Tel Aviv. 

*Untuk penerangan lebih terperinci sila [klik SINI]

Hari pindah milik. Gambar ketika kembar MH370 sedang terbang ke Israel.
Taking off to its new home, picture (taken from several others) and text taken from link.

Note: The date in relation to above info.
petikan dari halaman forum 
Aéroport Tarbes-Lourdes-PyrénéesGA Telesis: Boeing 777-2H6(ER): N105GT: MSN 28416/155.189November 4, 2013 - link----------Posted 07 February 2014 - 06:31 PM 
Formerly Malaysia Airlines B777-2H6ER 9M-MRI cn 28416/155. Now GA Telesis N105GTWithdrawn from use 08-04-2013.Stored at Aéroport Tarbes-Lourdes-Pyrénées Tel Aviv for storage 04-11-2013  - link
The following I found at : and the relevant parts are translated from Hebrew using Google Translate  
The picture shown is linked to this page, but wouldn't show.It can be found at-  link

Is this picture near its hangar? Note the identical blank tail scheme as pictured in the above photo. 
N105GT was 9M - MRI .From: Lightning under a cloud02.12.13 20:15 
777 of Malay, ended his life and came to dismantle examined theLightning under a cloud02.12.13 15:15 229 Views 
N105GT was 9M - MRI .Lightning under a cloudCurrent message <<02.12.13 20:15 173 Views 
Ended his life ? ? He was 15 ...idooriane02.12.13 23:03 272 Views  
777 converted cargo plane at Ben Gurion did not do IAILightning under a cloud04.12.13 22:43 146 Views  
First you took photography forbidden territory . Secondly the 777Noam S.12.05.13 08:24 175 Views 
Members of IAI teacher told me that this aircraft dismantlingLightning under a cloud12.05.13 08:42 140 Views
Namun rancangan jahat Israel ini dapat dihidu ramai:

Excellent discovery! Can you disclose how you were able to find the current locations of 9M-MRI (aka N105GT) and 9M-MRK. 9M-MRI is the one that GA Telesis registered as N105GT. See image below.

Below image is GA Telesis fleet information showing the former Malaysian Air 9M-MRI manufacturer serial number 28416, registered as N105GT.

Please share the source of your discovery! If Israel has either of these aircraft, expect another 911 attack soon!

Sumber dari laman BOLYN
  • According to reports from plane-spotters, Israel has an identical Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-200 in storage in Tel Aviv since November 2013. The only visible difference between the missing plane and the one in Tel Aviv would be its serial number. What do the Israelis have planned with the twin Malaysia Airlines plane?
  • By using the twin aircraft they have in storage, the terror masterminds may have a sinister plan for the missing plane to seemingly reappear in a false-flag atrocity. Public awareness of the twin plane in Tel Aviv, therefore, could prevent the evil plot from going ahead. 
  • For more on the identical Malaysia plane in Tel Aviv see the latest entry, dated March 26, 2014, on my Q&A and Comment page.
  • Notes: The Malaysia Air 777 with Boeing serial number 28416 and registered as 9M-MRI was sold to GA Telesis, LLC of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on October 21, 2013, and is now registered as N105GT. The aircraft was stored at Tarbes Lourdes Pyrenees on October 4, 2013, and then on November 4, 2013, it was re-registered as N105GT and stored at Tel Aviv. 
  • *MSN 28416 OR 28418? - According to a press release from GA Telesis dated July 10, 2013, the Fort Lauderdale-based company announced that it had started the dismantling process "in the USA" for three Boeing aircraft, including one 777-200ER (TRENT 800) (MSN 28418) ex-Malaysia Airlines, the plane that was given a new registration number and flown to Tel Aviv. 
Rujuk sini:,N105GT-GA-Telesis-php
  • Abdol Moabery serves as the President and Chief Executive Officer of GA Telesis, LLC. Previously, Mr. Moabery served as Executive Vice President of Aviation Systems International, Inc., and as Director of Marketing and Sales at C-S Aviation Services, Inc. Both of Moabery's former companies were owned by George Soros. Therefore it is not unlikely that Soros owns a good part of GA Telesis, too.
C-S Aviation Services -

Aviation Systems International, Inc. -
  • This information is very important because it fits neatly into the terror scenario presented by Israeli El Al "security expert" Issac Yeffet shortly after the Malaysian plane went missing. Yeffet suggested the missing plane had been hijacked to Iran and was being prepared for a terror attack. For the Israelis to have an identical plane in a hanger in Tel Aviv reveals why Yeffet presented such a scenario. He appears to have been setting the stage for a false-flag attack like 9-11, perhaps in Israel. If such an attack were to occur in Israel all the evidence would be in the hands of Israeli intelligence giving them complete control of the interpretation or narrative of the terror event.

"What happened to this aircraft, nobody knows. My guess is based upon the stolen passports, and I believe Iran was involved. They hijacked the aircraft and they landed it in a place that nobody can see or find it.”
- Issac Yeffet, former El Al security expert to Times of Israel, March 17, 2014

World seems transfixed by 777 disappearance. Maybe no crash but stolen, effectively hidden, perhaps in Northern Pakistan, like Bin Laden.
- Rupert Murdoch on Twitter, March 15, 2014

  • It is not Iranians, but Israeli agents and Zionist propagandists like Rupert Murdoch who are the real authors of false-flag terror plots involving airliners being flown into hi-rise towers. Arnon Milchan, for example, the Israeli Mossad operative-cum-film producer, made the Medusa Touch film in 1978, in which a 9-11 type attack is the climax of the film. Is there a nefarious plot in the works to use the missing Malaysian plane for such an attack?

The making of Milchan's Medusa Touch involved constructing models to simulate an aircraft striking a skyscraper.

  • With no trace of Beijing-bound flight MH370 after nine days, one of several theories that has emerged is that the plane was hijacked to Iran, where it could be turned into a massive and devastating weapon. Two Iranian passengers are known to have been aboard, travelling on false passports. While Israeli officials did not confirm any suspicions regarding Iran, experts said it is not a stretch to point the finger at Israel's Middle East nemesis.
  • “My guess is based upon the stolen passports, and I believe Iran was involved [in the disappearance of the plane],” Issac Yeffet, formerly a global security expert for Israel’s national airline El Al told today’s Times of Israel. “They hijacked the aircraft and they landed it in a place that nobody can see or find it.” 
  • - "Missing jet, Iranian threats, prompt Israel to tighten air security" by Paul Alster, March 17, 2014
  • The disappearance of the Malaysian Boeing 777 looks like something from a Batman movie plot - or a bad Israeli screenplay by Arnon Milchan and his business partner Rupert Murdoch. The missing plane is bound to turn up sooner or later. The hijackers - or Israeli computer hackers - didn't pull a fast turn to the west and make professional moves with the plane in order to simply drop it in the Indian Ocean. Or maybe they did. In any case, all of the events going on with the missing Boeing and the Ukrainian crisis look like the making of a perfect storm - or perhaps another false-flag terror spectacle like 9-11.
  • An Israel-based reporter named Paul Alster has an article on Murdoch's giving an Israeli prognosis about the missing Malaysian Boeing 777. The article is important because it suggests that the Israelis may be setting the stage for a false-flag event using the missing plane as a flying bomb. 
  • The article indicates that the Israelis may be projecting a planned terror scenario and are planting the idea in the public mind. The following article has comments from an Israeli El Al "security expert" that are very similar to comments tweeted by Rupert Murdoch the day before. Isn't it interesting that Rupert Murdoch and an Israeli airline security expert imagine the exact same fate for the missing Boeing? 

  1. Obama should call Chinese President following today's incident and say "we both have the problem of Muslim terrorism. Can we work together?"3:50 AM - 2 Mar 2014
  2. 777 crash confirms jihadists turning to make trouble for China. Chance for US to make common cause, befriend China while Russia bullies.4:15 PM - 9 Mar 2014
  3. World seems transfixed by 777 disappearance. Maybe no crash but stolen, effectively hidden, perhaps in Northern Pakistan, like Bin Laden.2:23 AM - 15 Mar 2014
  4. 777. Still think this a reminder that US and China should be working more closely on Muslim extremist threat.2:26 AM - 15 Mar 2014
  • The Israeli comments in the article imagine a terror scenario like that described by Murdoch. It is important to note that the Israeli El Al "security expert" comes from the exact same groups (ICTS, El Al security, Menachem Atzmon, the Shin Bet and assorted Mossadniks), who projected the ideation of 9-11 (Murdoch’s "Lone Gunmen" pilot episode in 2000 and Arnon Milchan's Medusa Touch film in 1978) - and who were involved in the false-flag attacks of 9-11. 
  • This is exactly what the evidence I present in my Solving 9-11 books reveals about Israeli involvement in the false-flag terrorism of 9-11. The fact that the same people are now projecting the ideation that the Boeing 777 has been hijacked (perhaps by computer like in the "Lone Gunmen") and will be used in a terror attack needs to be taken very seriously.
  • The game is on. We need to be aware of the very real possibility that the plane may resurface, used as a weapon of terror. If so, the attack would probably be designed to be a false-flag provocation that can be used to initiate aggression against a targeted foe – such as the Islamic Republic of Iran. If enough people understand the evil game of deception the Israelis are up to, they won't be able to pull off another major terror spectacle - and get away with it. 
Here is the article by Paul Alster from
Missing jet, Iranian threats, prompt Israel to tighten air securityBy Paul Alster, March 17, 2014 
HAIFA, Israel – Top Israeli defense officials have hurriedly put in place a confidential list of secret security measures in light of the baffling disappearance of a Malaysia Airlines jumbo jet that experts fear could become a weapon of mass destruction if in the wrong hands.

With no trace of Beijing-bound flight MH370 after nine days, one of several theories that has emerged is that the plane was hijacked to Iran, where it could be turned into a massive and devastating weapon. Two Iranian passengers are known to have been aboard, travelling on false passports. While Israeli officials did not confirm any suspicions regarding Iran, experts said it is not a stretch to point the finger at Israel's Middle East nemesis.

“My guess is based upon the stolen passports, and I believe Iran was involved [in the disappearance of the plane],” Issac Yeffet, formerly a global security expert for Israel’s national airline El Al told today’s Times of Israel. “They hijacked the aircraft and they landed it in a place that nobody can see or find it.”

As the search continued to widen fruitlessly, Israeli security officials and aviation authorities, who have long feared a 9/11-style attack, conducted a security assessment and rapidly implemented a series of security measures. The only one reported publicly is that Israeli air traffic controllers will demand that incoming aircraft identify themselves earlier than has so far been the case, sources told

IDF officials aim to ensure an unthinkable repetition of the Twin Towers attack doesn’t happen in Tel Aviv, where the skyscraping triple Azrieli Towers rise high above the city. There's good reason to believe the three-tower commercial-residential-office complex is a coveted target of the Islamic Republic.

In a recent video simulation broadcast by Iranian state TV after the initial agreement with the international community on a reduction in Iran’s nuclear capability was signed, the Azrieli Towers were shown being blown up by Iranian missiles.

The Israeli media has speculated that if Iran played a part in the disappearance of the plane, it is all but certain the regime would not have been directly involved. It would likely instead act through a third party, using one of the many international terror organizations Iran sponsors and maintaining plausible deniability. Tehran would not want to jeopardize the easing of international sanctions and other gains made recently at the Geneva negotiations with the US and the P5+1.

The recent interception of a boatload of Iranian M-302 missiles headed for Israel’s enemies in the Gaza Strip or Sinai Peninsula has given rise to further speculation in Israel that Iran might be considering all manner of means to strike back after such an embarrassing and damaging loss.

“This would never have happened on an Israeli plane,” Yeffet said. “An El Al aircraft was hijacked for the first and last time in 1968. Since then, there has not been a single flight where security did not check every single name.”

Yeffet believes that the time consuming and often-criticized profiling of every passenger at Israeli airports would have picked up the Iranians travelling on false papers.

Most flights to and from Israel require check-in three hours before the advertised flight time and passengers are often faced with many questions (some personal) that some people take exception to. The fact remains though that the Israeli method seems to work and has, thus far, proved watertight.

“More security costs more money,” Menachem Yarden, a retired El Al pilot with more than 37 years experience told Fox “Few companies these days are making money because of increased costs and relatively low ticket prices. Especially in the U.S., spending more money on security and telling people to come 3 hours before the flight – even if their flight time is just one hour – it’s crazy. No-one would fly.”

Asked if air marshals - allegedly placed on every El Al plane - might have made a difference to flight MH370 if, as some believe, it has been hijacked, Yarden said, “As El Al pilots we didn’t know all the security measures [put in place]. Security is a separate matter [to piloting] and the fewer people that know about it, the more secure it is.”

Yarden said it is possible such a huge aircraft could have flown thousands of miles undetected.

“Yes. It is possible to fly as low as the pilot is able,” Yarden confirmed. “When you switch off the transponder no civil controller can see you. In 9/11 the pilots switched off the transponders and no one saw them. It is not like military radar which sends electromagnetic pulses that receives back the echo via antenna.”

“In this extraordinary case any theory might be the right theory,” Yarden concluded. “No one knows what’s happened.”


"Ex-El Al expert: Iran likely involved in MH 370" by Debra Kamin, Times of Israel, March 16, 2014

"GA Telesis Continues to Provide Best-In-Class Component Support via Disassembly of Boeing 777-200ER, 767-200ER and 757-200ER," GA Telesis press release, July 10, 2013

"Is This a Secretly Taken Photo of the Plane Stored in Tel Aviv?", March 28, 2014

“Missing jet, Iranian threats, prompt Israel to tighten air security” by Paul Alster,, March 17, 2014

Saturday, March 29, 2014


Doa seorang ibu,harapan seorang ayah, kerinduan seorang isteri, kesedihan seorang anak...

Ya Allah, tiada siapa mampu mengubah ketentuan Mu.

Tabahkan lah hati mereka menghadapi segala ujian Mu ini Ya Allah...


A double-edged sword, truth is...
By Haris Hussain

SEARCH FOR MH370: Closure isn't only for China to seek

IN the absence of concrete evidence -- a debris field, wreckage and fuselage pieces, black box, wing spar, cockpit voice recorder, pieces of human tissue, flaps, slats and spoilers -- how does a government, any government, handle the issue of a missing jetliner with all souls on board?

From the moment contact was lost with Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 on March 8, Malaysia had sought to be upfront with all the facts. And, why wouldn't we?

MAS has a sterling safety record. Its pilots and cabin crew are among the best in the world, winning international awards and accolades. There's no reason for us to hold back anything.

Every lead was announced. Nothing was surreptitiously packed away and tucked into a darkened corner with a quiet and hushed "sshhh".

When these leads turned out to be false, they, too, were relayed to a waiting world. Over time, this worked against us.

Soon, the perception was that there were too many about-turns, retractions, clarifications and non-leads.

In our desire to be open in our investigations, we were painted as inept, when the overriding concern and the only mantra had always been to tell the truth.

Over the last three weeks, assigning blame had been taken to ugly, vile extremes.

MAS chief executive officer Ahmad Jauhari Yahya was not spared. The most visible face of MAS, Jauhari was asked to resign, as though he had "terminated" the flight himself.

For three weeks, Malaysian authorities were told that they were in denial: that the Boeing 777-200ER had crashed and that they should just admit it, so they could get on with the task of looking for answers and provide closure to the families.

The government refused. It just refused to give up hope. It refused for the sake of the families of all those on board, the family within the flag carrier and for the sake of the nation.

The outpouring of hope was inspiring. It united the country when politics, ideology and even faith in humanity had failed.

But, when Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak announced on Monday that MAS flight MH370 had ended in the Indian Ocean, these same people accused the Malaysian authorities of being insensitive.

CNN's Richard Quest summed it up best when he said Malaysia was caught between a rock and a hard place, with the way she was handling the crisis.

"Malaysia is damned if it did, and damned if it didn't," he said, referring to her openness in sharing information.

One particularly vicious attack came from a "guest commentator and senior journalist" of a China-based publication.

"With a heavy heart, it told the whole world calmly that the airplane on its way to Beijing had ended in the Indian Ocean. When they broke the news to the whole world, it was just like a kid telling the adults he had lost a toy."

"When China diverted over 10 satellites from their courses at high cost, what were you doing?"

"When you decided to tell all, weren't you belittling the love of the whole world for the loves of 239 people? Or was it because you were nearing to the truth that you found it difficult to cover a certain secret by grossing over it?

"Or was it because that, after waiting for 17 days, such a conclusion could now make those relatives to go home and resign to their fate?"

It all makes for great copy. But, the tone that accompanies this piece, and many others like it, makes it sound as though China is the only one deeply scarred by this tragedy. That is, the only one that lost everything.

It is not.

Almost everyone I know knew someone on board that flight.

Almost everyone knew someone, or knows of someone who knew someone on flight MH370.

So, the pain is not your exclusive preserve. And, as much as you want answers and closure, so do we.

Throughout all this, Malaysia has been kind and compassionate when understanding is needed, strong and resolute when millions are looking to her for answers, and dignified and stoic in the face of adversity and unfair criticism.

So, cut her some slack.



Berkait dengan artikel sebelum ini, rujuk SINI dan SINI

Seorang penumpang dari penerbangan MH370 yang dilaporkan hilang telah berjaya memberitahu kedudukan semasa dia ketika ini.Lelaki tersebut yang memperkenalkan diri sebagai Philip Woods telah berjaya memuatnaik satu gambar hitam yang setelah di kaji,gambar tersebut di Upload dari Diego Garcia!
Hal ini menggemparkan pengguna forum dan sedang viral di internet.Nampaknya Teori Diego Garcia sangat tepat ketika ini.

"I have been held hostage by unknown military personal after my flight was hijacked (blindfolded). I work for IBM and I have managed to hide my cellphone in my ass during the hijack. I have been separated from the rest of the passengers and I am in a cell. My name is Philip Wood. I think I have been drugged as well and cannot think clearly. "
Link forum:
Profil Philip Wood:

Di forum tersebut Philip sempat mengupload gambar hitam sebagai Picture Profilenya :

Dan dengan menggunakan software online Jeffrey's Exif Viewer untuk menganalisa data exif dari gambar hitam tersebut, maka data lengkap akan terlihat :
  • Camera: Apple iPhone 5
  • Date: March 18, 2014 8:49:41PM
  • Location: Latitude/longitude: 7° 18' 58.3" South, 72° 25' 35.6" East
  • ( -7.316197, 72.426544 )

Hal ini bertepatan dengan yang dilihat oleh beberapa saksi di Pulau Maldives.Mereka melihat satu pesawat besar terbang rendah menuju pulau Diego Garcia pada 8 Mac yang lalu.

Di akhir post tersebut ada yang menarik diperkatakan:
"OP photo is interesting because it's not actually just a pure black picture, you can see noise if you zoom in. He is in a dark room."
Admin tengah cuba meneliti gambarnya.Dan hasilnya memang benar seperti yang dijangka

Di ambil pada 18 Mac

Koordinat gambar diambil

Smartphone yang digunakan Philip Woods

Dan bila dicari kedudukan koordinat tersebut inilah hasilnya: